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choosing food suppliers for a non-profit camp

I have spent endless hours searching for food suppliers to purchase the food for the non-profit campground that I help run through the summer. I have learned that all pricing is different from supplier to supplier and so is the quality of the food that they offer. It has taken a very long time for me to learn what to get from a big food supplier and when to purchase things from a smaller supplier. To learn my methods of ordering food on a very tight budget for hundreds of people, visit my website. There, you will find a breakdown of my supplies and the suppliers that I use to get what I need each summer.


choosing food suppliers for a non-profit camp

Key Things To Know Before Shopping For Manuka Honey

by Layla Watson

If you are looking for honey to use for therapeutic purposes, manuka honey is undoubtedly a top choice. This honey is made in New Zealand by bees that collect nectar from manuka plants. It contains specific compounds that make it a more potent antibacterial agent than most other honey. Here are some key things to know before you start shopping for manuka honey.

It costs more than normal honey.

If you're used to paying a few dollars for a jar of honey from the store, then you may experience a little sticker shock when you first see the prices of manuka honey. But this higher price tag exists for a reason. Manuka honey is a very specialized product. Only a certain amount is made, and it needs to be processed very carefully to maintain its properties. Plus, unless you are in New Zealand, it has to be shipped quite a ways to you. You're paying more for manuka honey than for other honey, but it's for good reasons.

It can be used in many ways.

You might be buying this honey to use on a wound or take for a specific infection. But it is a very versatile product and can be used for all sorts of other things, too. People take a little to ease stomach aches and improve digestion. You can put it on acne blemishes, sunburns, and even minor scrapes. If you get a cold or the flu, taking some manuka honey may shorten the duration. As such, you may want to buy a little more than you need for your current health problem and keep it on hand for future uses.

Its acidic properties help, too.

Manuka honey's benefits mainly come from the methylglyoxal it contains. Most honey contains some methylglyoxal, but manuka honey contains far more, thanks to the high methylglyoxal content of the manuka plants it comes from. However, manuka honey is also acidic, and this helps make it a more effective healing compound, too. The acidity allows it to kill invasive bacteria more effectively. It may also help stimulate the body's natural healing process.

Now that you have a little better idea of what manuka honey is and how it can be used, buying some should feel straightforward. Look for a vendor who offers jars in various sizes, and purchase the size that fits into your budget. Having a little extra for later is nice, too. 

Contact a company like Hokitika Honey & Herb Co for more info. 
