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choosing food suppliers for a non-profit camp

I have spent endless hours searching for food suppliers to purchase the food for the non-profit campground that I help run through the summer. I have learned that all pricing is different from supplier to supplier and so is the quality of the food that they offer. It has taken a very long time for me to learn what to get from a big food supplier and when to purchase things from a smaller supplier. To learn my methods of ordering food on a very tight budget for hundreds of people, visit my website. There, you will find a breakdown of my supplies and the suppliers that I use to get what I need each summer.


choosing food suppliers for a non-profit camp


Tips For Ordering Fresh Hamburger Buns For Your Restaurant

If you operate a restaurant that sells burgers or other sandwiches that you serve on hamburger buns, then you're probably going to need to order your hamburger buns from somewhere. After all, making them in-house might not be practical when you consider all of the other things that you have to do to prepare and serve food in your establishment. These tips should help you have a good experience when ordering the hamburger buns that are needed for your restaurant.

4 Things To Look For In A Low-Acid Coffee

Many people start their day with a cup of coffee. Sometimes, a cup of coffee is all people have for breakfast. However, drinking coffee on an empty stomach may cause a stomach ache, especially if your digestive tract is delicate. Fortunately, you can minimize this unwanted side effect by selecting the right type of coffee. Low-acid coffees are the perfect choice for people with sensitive stomachs. Here are four things to look for in a low-acid coffee:

Using Up Extra Pecan Halves

Buying pecans in bulk is a great way to save. You can often get a much better price this way than you could if you were to buy small bags of pecans. When buying in bulk, you may then have lots of leftover pecans. There are a few tasty ways to use up bulk small pecan halves. Take a look: Pecan Turtles Pecan turtles are basically pecans covered in caramel and chocolate, so making a batch of them does require a lot of pecans.